Adventures at Backwoods Academy and Collyott Farms

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries

Tomorrow is June 1st and for all strawberry lovers this is the season of the STRAWBERRY.  Those sweet sometimes tart delectable pieces of fruit!!  I share with you here a very YUMMY way to serve strawberries that look fancy and look like you went to a lot of work (we won't tell your guests how easy it was)!!

Cheesecake Stuffed Strawberries

1 package of Plain or Tropical Cheesecake from Collyott Farms (
Strawberries (fresh picked is best)
To make the Cheesecake Mix you will need:
8 oz. Cool Whip
8 oz. Cream Cheese

Make Cheesecake according to package directions.  Set Cheesecake in fridge.  Wash strawberries, and cut the tops off - then take a knife and slice them in 2 ways making a cross or plus sign - do not slice all the way through just enough so you can open them up.  If you wish them to stand you may take a tiny tip off the bottom to make them flat.  Line them up on your serving platter.  Then take the Cheesecake mixture and spoon into a small ziplock bag.  Cut a tiny piece off at the corner and squeeze the cheesecake into the strawberries.  Make sure to save some for your guests!!!!